Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Internship

I started working for TSA in May of 07’ and when I started thinking about where I might like to intern TSA seemed like a pretty good idea.

  • I plan on staying with TSA for a while after I graduate. I figured an internship with TSA would help me learn more about the agency and perhaps give me an idea of what I would like to pursue career wise. I currently work at a security checkpoint but I can’t stay there forever.
  • I thought I would probably be able to learn so much more since I am already familiar with the agency, the location, people, etc..(instead of starting with a blank slate)
  • And on a more practical note, since my work schedule isn’t too easy to work with, I figured TSA would be an ideal internship site because I wouldn’t have to commute for ages just to get from work to internship. (and they would be willing to work with my schedule!)

In March of 07’ I put in paperwork to see if I could intern with TSA. I ended up having to be quite persistent because people kept sending me to someone else:

“you’ll have to e-mail/talk to/meet with ________"

Long story short, I finally got positive feedback approximately two weeks before the deadline. (for submitting an internship site)

So now I’m working 25 hours a week at the airport and interning for 40 hours. We will see how things pan out, but apparently the plan is to have me rotate between different departments every 2 weeks so I can get an overall sense of what goes on behind-the-scenes at TSA. It’s all terribly exciting for me! :o)

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