Monday, March 2, 2009

During the last two days I’ve been stationed in the S.O.C.C. at Headquarters. Wes suggested I spend the weekends at the SOCC (instead of other days of the week) because everyone else at Headquarters works weekdays, meaning the place is rather empty on the weekend. The SOCC on the other hand is staffed 24/7!
What is the SOCC? As the name implies (Security Communications Center), it is a one-room “office” that regulates, receives, and transfers almost all forms of communication within the Airports. (in regards to TSA). To give you a general overview of what happens there:
- The SOCC has access to all airport cameras located at checkpoints.
- All incidents get reported to the SOCC
- Information that seems pertinent to running screening functions in AZ get passed on to management. Example: An incident at another airport, the SOCC would send out a briefing to all screening managers. (the info would eventually trickle down the chain of command)

I’m not sure how I can really give you better insight in to what happens in the SOCC. The SOCC has everyone’s contact information and likewise has the means to contact anyone within a matter of seconds. (be it someone located in PHX, somewhere else in AZ, or even HEADQUARTERS in DC)

In the office there are four primary computer stations with dual monitors and there are several large flat screens on one wall. The flat screens are used to monitor flights, display briefings, and monitor news stations. It’s fascinating to sit in the SOCC and just observe people, phone calls, and the gives you a feeling of being in on everrrything.

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