Friday, February 6, 2009

So tired!

I feel like I should be up-dating more often. (much more often!) I actually have things I want to post and discuss on here; no joke, I've caught myself thinking ,"that would make for a great post!"

I just don't have the time to sit down and crank out a good post. Yesterday I "worked" 14 hours and today I "worked" 11 hours and I'm completely drained right now. Regardless of what anyone says, this is work! It just happens to be un-paid. I'm not sure why people assume that because its an un-paid internship it must also be super easy.

Anyway, here's my first "internship" picture. It shows my walk to work! (ie. the 3 minute jog from the employee lot to the main terminal) The Airport is a world of its own at night, its completely deserted and actually quite beautiful. I wish I could post more exciting pictures.. But I don't think there will be too many internship pics since upper management wouldn't approve. :o/


  1. Keep up the good work...I know it can be tough but even if its just an idea let us know (for a blog)! and make sure your resting! take care!! PS I love the picture idea

  2. Wow!

    How do you do it? I have worked 13-14 hour days I hate it!!! It's even worse if I am on my feet.

    Unpaid internship? How do you do it? I don't agree with unpaid internships, especially in this rough economy. At least you are learning a lot.

  3. I'll second Amarone & say "WOW!!" how do you do it? No wonder you got sick... Your body is probably so exausted. As for the unpaid part, bummer since you seem to be such a hard worker. Any chance this internship will lead to a paid full-time position at the end of the 15 weeks?
